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郑州轻工业大学(Zhengzhou University of Light Industry),简称"郑州轻大(ZZULI)",位于河南省,学校是河南省人民政府举办的全日制普通高等学校,以河南省管理为主。学校为河南省人民政府和国家烟草专卖局共建高校、河南省博士学位授予重点立项建设单位。入选国家教育强国推进工程、卓越工程 .
Zhengzhou University of Light Industry (Chinese: 郑州轻工业大学; pinyin: Zhèngzhōu Qīnggōngyè Dàxué) a public university located Zhengzhou, Henan, People's Republic China. Founded 1977, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry (ZZULI) administered successively the Ministry Light Industry, National Council Light Industry, the State Economic .
Add: No.136 Xue Avenue,Zhengzhou,HenanProvince,PRC. Zip Code:450000 is recommended you IE7 above version the browser visit web site.
网站首页; 学校概况. 学校简介; 学校章程; 校徽校训; 校风教风学风; 校歌; 现任领导; 校园风光; 机构设置; 师资队伍. 院士风采
Zhengzhou University of Light Industry (ZZULI) established 1977 originally affiliated the Ministry Light Industry of China, then the People's Government Henan Province 1998. is jointly built the People's Government Henan Province the State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau a featured key university .
郑州轻工业大学是位于中国 河南 郑州市的一所公立大学,成立于1977年,原隶属中华人民共和国轻工业部,是中南五省唯一培养轻工业人才的高等学府,1998年改为中央与河南省共建,校址在郑州市金水区东风路5号,新增校区为郑州市高新区科学大道136号。 [2]
郑州轻工业大学创建于 1977 年,原隶属于国家轻工业部, 1998 年转隶河南省人民政府。 学校是河南省人民政府和国家烟草专卖局共建高校、河南省特色骨干大学建设高校、河南省国际化特色试点高校。
Founded 1977, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry (ZZULI) administered the Ministry Light Industry it transferred Henan Province an institution administered the local authority with central authority 1998. Presently has evolved a multi-disciplinary engineering focused university .
History ZZULI. Founded 1977, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry (ZZULI) administered successively the Ministry Light Industry, National Council Light Industry, the State Economic Trade Commission it transferred Henan Province an institution co-administered the central local authorities 1998.
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