كلية الزرقاء التقنية المتوسطة توقع اتفاقية تعاون مع شركة Pearson. 2025.01.08
Zarqa University a private university Zarqa, Jordan, established 1994. offers 43 majors various fields, as science, medicine, law, arts, engineering.
تأسست جامعة الزرقاء عام 1994م، في موقع استراتيجي، شرقي مدينة الزرقاء، وعلى بُعد ستة كيلو مترات منها، بوصفها أول جامعة خاصة في محافظة الزرقاء، بمساحة وصلت إلى ثلاثمئة وخمسين دونماً، لتكون رديفاً عضوياً للجامعات الرسمية .
Zarqa University (ZU) the private university Zarqa Governorate, offering undergraduate postgraduate programs humanities sciences. has strategic location, range scholarships, international partnerships accreditations.
Zarqa University (ZU) founded 1994 a strategic location the east Zarqa City, six kilometres away, be first private university Zarqa Governorate, an area reached hundred fifty acres. University aims going parallel lines the objectives the strategies public private .
Zarqa University achieved notable results the QS 2025 rankings, placing 26th the international student ratio, 113th both international faculty ratio PhD faculty, 124th academic reputation, 126th faculty research output.
Overview: Founded 1994, Zarqa University a for-profit private higher education institution located the urban setting the medium-sized city Zarqa (population range 500,000-1,000,000 inhabitants). Officially accredited and/or recognized the Ministry Higher Education Scientific Research, Jordan, Zarqa University (ZU) a small (EduListing enrollment range: 1,000 .
كلية الزرقاء التقنية المتوسطة توقع اتفاقية تعاون مع شركة Pearson. 2025.01.08
PRC-ZU a center excellence pharmaceutical research quality assurance Zarqa University. offers analytical laboratories, animal research, sponsorship opportunities students faculty.
Zarqa University (ZU) founded 1994 a strategic location the east Zarqa City, six kilometres away, be first private university Zarqa Governorate, an area reached hundred fifty acres. University aims going parallel lines the objectives the strategies public private .
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