延安大学(YANAN UNIVERSITY),简称"延大(YANDA)",坐落于陕西省延安市,由毛泽东同志亲自命名、中国共产党创办的全日制综合性大学,由陕西省主管,由中华人民共和国教育部与陕西省人民政府共建,是陕西省省属高水平建设大学,是陕西省一流学科建设高校,是中国人民大学、北京理工大学 .
新城校区:中国·陕西·延安市新区公学北路1号; 杨家岭校区:中国·陕西·延安市圣地路580号; 邮编:716000 E-Mail:[email protected]; 电话:86-0911-2650666
新城校区:中国·陕西·延安市新区公学北路1号; 杨家岭校区:中国·陕西·延安市圣地路580号; 邮编:716000 E-Mail:[email protected]; 电话:86-0911-2650666
Yanan University surrounded mountains a river, Yanhe river front Yangjialing Site the south. are Lanhui Garden, Tongxin Garden, Wenhui Mountain, statues Wu Yuzhang, first president Yanan University, Lu Yao, master literature China the campus. the century, the staff Yanan .
Learn Yan'an University (延安大学), China - Explore Profile, Contact, Courses, Admission Scholarship Info. Search Universities Worldwide. follow us: . Yan'an University. Yan'an University a comprehensive university located Yan'an, Shaanxi province, China. university's roots trace to period immense change .
Yan'an University ranked 573rd China 7410th the World 2024 rankings enrollment - 17,000, founded 1941. . 延安大学: Founded: 1941: Accreditation: Ministry Education: Location contacts. Address: 580 Shengdi Road Yan'an, Shaanxi, 716000 China : City population:
第三条 学校名称为延安大学,英文名为 Yan ' University ,国标代码为 10719 。延安大学成立于 1941 年 9 月,其历史可以上溯到 1937 年创办的陕北公学。现为陕西省人民政府与教育部共建大学、陕西省高水平建设大学、陕西省一本招生院校、优秀应届本科毕业生 .
Yan'an University (YAU) Introduction Yanan University the comprehensive university established the Communist Party China, is located the revolutionary holy place Yanan. 1941, Mao Zedong established Yanan University merging Shanbei Public School the Woman's University China, Zedong School .
Introduction Yan'an University. Yan'an University (延安大学, website) the comprehensive university named Comrade Mao Zedong and founded the Communist Party China.Currently, is university jointly established the Shaanxi Provincial People's Government the Ministry Education, high-level construction university Shaanxi Province, an .
The New Campus of Yan'an University / THAD | ArchDaily