Xingtai University (Chinese: 邢台学院; pinyin: Xíngtái xuéyuàn) a university Hebei, China the provincial government. [1] References page last edited 16 2024, 23:15 (UTC). Text available the Creative Commons .
Introduction Xingtai University. Xingtai University (邢台学院, website) a full-time undergraduate college. school's predecessor, Zhili Fourth Junior Normal School, founded 1910 (the year the Qing Dynasty) has history 109 years. . March 1996, Xingtai Teachers College, Xingtai Education College, .
Xingtai University a university Xingtai, Hebei Province, China, the provincial government. roots this public university stretch to 1910, it sprouted the Zhili Fourth Junior Normal School. Teacher education its initial focus, its legacy lives in historic buildings still stand campus, testament a century shaping educators .
邢台学院(XingTai University),位于 河北省 邢台市 ,是一所全日制市属本科院校。 受河北省管辖。2019年以来,先后获批河北省第二批普通本科高校向应用技术类型高校转型发展试点学校;教育部中华优秀传统文化传承基地(邢窑白瓷)建设单位;工信部"校企协同就业创业创新示范实践基地"建设 .
Xingtai University (Senior Teachers College) Quanbei East Street 88 Xingtai 054001 China . Contact admission office Tuition fees ~ $1,300 / year. Fee international students ~ $1,300 / year. Fee domestic students Apply .
Established 1910, Xingtai University a non-profit public higher-education institution located the large city Xingtai (The area population ranges this figures 500,000-1,000,000 inhabitants), Hebei. . 邢台学院: Abbreviations: Established: 1910: University Contacts, Phone Number, Location, Email Postal Address .
【院校介绍】邢台学院是一所省市共建、以市为主的全日制普通本科院校。 【外文名称】XingTai University 【创办时间】1910年 【校训】纯德实学 【院校历史】学校始建于1910年(清宣统二年),1912年改称直隶第四初…
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