University Of Greenland Ilisimatusarfik Grønlands Universitet

Written by SmartPeople 1/23/2025, 1:22:06 AM
University Of Greenland Ilisimatusarfik Grønlands Universitet

Guest students Ilisimatusarfik 428. . had pleasure welcoming delegation Fróðskaparsetur Føroya (University of Faroe Islands) . 12 students eager dive Greenland's unique nature complex ecosystems, are looking to semester start 1 February 2025 - we hardly wait .

University of Greenland - Ilisimatusarfik - OCTAThe University of Greenland (Greenlandic: Ilisimatusarfik Kalaallit Nunaat; Danish: Grønlands Universitet) Greenland's university.It in capital city Nuuk.Most courses taught Danish, few Greenlandic classes exchange lecturers in English. university an enrollment 205 students 2018, [1] composed mostly Greenlandic inhabitants.

GreenlandIlisimatusarfik Kalaallit Nunaanni universitetini kisiartaavoq, tassanilu neqeroorutigineqarput bachelorinngorniarnerit kandidatinngorniarnerillu assigiinngitsorpaaluit - ilinniakkanut neqeroorutigisatsinnut tunngasut tamaasa nittartakkami matumani atuarsinnaavatit, saniatigullu paasissutissat makkununnga tunngasut: ilinnialernissamut piumasaqaatit ilinniartussatullu akuerineqarneq, fagit .

Ilimmarfik University of Greenland, Nuuk Stock Photo - AlamyIlisimatusarfik er Grønlands eneste universitet og tilbyder mange forskellige bacheloruddannelser og kandidatuddannelser - og på disse sider du læse mere om vores forskellige uddannelser, ligesom du få information om adgangskrav og optagelse, fagligt indhold, job og karriere

Ouachita Baptist University City Unity College The University Of Texas Southwestern Medical Center At Dallas La Trobe University

Ilisimatusarfik | Grønlands Universitet | University of GreenlandIlisimatusarfik er Grønlands eneste universitet og tilbyder 12 forskellige bacheloruddannelser og 5 kandidatuddannelser. På disse sider du læse mere om vores forskellige uddannelser - ligesom du få information om adgangskrav og optagelse, fagligt indhold, job og karriere osv.

Study at the University of Greenland »Ilisimatusarfik« in Nuuk | Guide University of Greenland situated the small bustling capital city Nuuk. University of Greenland about 650 students spread four institutes: Institute Learning; Institute Nursing Health Research; Institute Society, Economics Jounalism; Institute Culture, Language History

University of Greenland - WikiwandIlisimatusarfik Grønlands Universitet University of Greenland Studieordning Kandidatuddannelsen Arktisk Samfundsvidenskab og Erhvervsøkonomi Inooqatigiinnik ilisimatusaat Inuiaqatigiilerinermik, Aningaasaqarnermik Tusagassiornermillu Ilisimatusarfik Institut Samfund, Økonomi & Journalistik

Study at the University of Greenland »Ilisimatusarfik« in Nuuk | Guide Here can read information how become guest student Ilisimatusarfik - about Ilisimatusarfik's international cooperation agreements. can read our visiting scholar program - addition our PhD program.

Workshop at the university of Greenland in Nuuk | CEARCTekst: Tanny PorArtikel fra det tidligere magasin, Greenland Today Øget nysgerrighed og ønske om uddannelse Grønland har medført, landets eneste universitet, Ilisimatusarfik, er kommet det akademiske søgelys. lille universitet - med gode ambitioner 2007 var der kun 150 studerende på Ilisimatusarfik, dette tal er siden vokset fire gange, men det er.

Ilisimatusarfik | Grønlands Universitet | University of GreenlandThe University of Greenland (Greenlandic: Ilisimatusarfik; Danish: Grønlands Universitet) Greenland's university. is the capital city Nuuk. courses taught Danish, few Greenlandic classes exchange lecturers in English.

Study at the University of Greenland »Ilisimatusarfik« in Nuuk | Guide Study at the University of Greenland »Ilisimatusarfik« in Nuuk | Guide

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