Visual Introduction Tainan National University of the Arts, presenting history the school started 1989, year establishment. mission TNNUA to nurture talents the highly professional art fields. School boasts wide range academic fields related areas, comprising College Music, College .
請填寫網站簡述. 恭喜本校中國音樂學系五位優秀畢業校友錄取高雄市及桃園市國樂團團員,國樂少林寺果然名不虛傳!
The Tainan National University of the Arts (TNNUA; 國立臺南藝術大學) a public university of the arts Guantian, Tainan, Taiwan.The campus in countryside; the campus is reservoir. international guest professors visit. architect the university Han Pao-teh 1996. TNNUA offers undergraduate graduate programs various arts disciplines .
台南藝術大學校園. 國立臺南藝術大學,簡稱臺南藝大、南藝大或南藝,是位於臺灣 臺南市 官田區的藝術大學,原名國立臺南藝術學院。 於1996年由建築學者漢寶德主導籌設,為台灣三所國立藝術大學之一。. 校園座落於烏山頭水庫旁。 現有4個學院、5個學系、9個研究所,該校以研究所階段藝術教育 .
113年8月,邱上嘉教授當選為第七任校長,提出「TNNUA Start-Up 1-3-6」(卓越南藝大136:1個願景.3大理念.6項策略)的治校抱負,強調以「人文南藝(Humanistic TNNUA)・科技南藝(Technological TNNUA)・創新南藝(Creative TNNUA)」三大理念實踐HTC TNNUA的發展願景,與全體教職員工生共同努力將南藝大推向另一高峰。
Mainland Students. to "Regulations People Mainland Areas Come Taiwan Study in Colleges Universities," application mainland students studying Taiwan coordinated the Ministry Education distributed the "University Entrance Committee Mainland Chinese Students." our school.
台南艺术大学校园. 国立台南艺术大学,简称台南艺大、南艺大或南艺,是位于台湾 台南市 官田区的艺术大学,原名国立台南艺术学院。 于1996年由建筑学者汉宝德主导筹设,为台湾三所国立艺术大学之一。. 校园座落于乌山头水库旁。 现有4个学院、5个学系、9个研究所,该校以研究所阶段艺术教育 .
The preparatory office established 1993. name Tainan National College the Arts officially adopted July, 1996. name changed Tainan National University of the Arts August, 2004, important event the school's timeline. school located to beautiful Wushantou Reservoir Guantian District .
The Tainan National University of the Arts (TNNUA; 國立臺南藝術大學) a public university of the arts Guantian, Tainan, Taiwan. campus in countryside; the campus is reservoir. international guest professors visit.
The Tainan National University of the Arts ranked 136th Taiwan 8176th the World 2024 rankings an acceptance rate 30%, enrollment - 1,604, founded 1996. . 國立臺南藝術大學: Founded: 1996: Accreditation: Ministry Education: Colors: red: Location contacts. Address: No. 66, Daqi, Guantian Dist. Tainan .
Tainan National University of the Arts - Spot - TAINAN PASS