Shanghai Technical Institute of Electronics Information(STIEl) a national full time public . higher vocational college a history more 61 years, featuring cultivating talents such high-tech industries electronic information,advanced manufacturing industry,producer service sector,as as city services sector.
上海电子信息职业技术学院是公办全日制普通高等职业院校,是"国家示范性高等职业院校建设计划"骨干高职院校、国家优质专科高等职业院校、上海一流专科高等职业教育建设立项单位、上海市依法治校示范校、上海市示范性高等职业技术院校建设单位、教育部TÜV莱茵数字创新赋能计划建设 .
Shanghai Technical Institute of Electronics Information (STIEI) a national full time public higher vocational college a history more 60 years, featuring cultivating talents such high-tech industries electronic information, advanced manufacturing industry, producer service sector, well city services sector. .
Shanghai Technical Institute of Electronics Information adheres the direction running socialist school, implements spirit the National College Ideological Political Work Conference, takes Lithuan the root, serves economic social development a guide, cultivates knowledgeable innovative .
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Delegation Teachers Students Vladicinhan Technical School Serbia Visited STIEI. . China-Thailand Shengu-Institute open. Graduation Shengu-Institute. join STIEI. . ADD:NO.3098 Wahong Road, FengXian District,Shanghai,China.
China-Thailand Shengu-Institute open. Graduation Shengu-Institute. join STIEI. Moroccan students STIEI China. Collaborative Programs. MORE. . ADD:NO.3098 Wahong Road, FengXian District,Shanghai,China. TEl:+86-21-57131333 .
Shanghai Technical Institute of Electronics Information (STIEI) a national full time public higher vocational college a history more 60 years, featuring cultivating talents .
上海电子信息职业技术学院是一所有 60 年办学历史的公办全日制普通高等职业院校,培养电子信息、先进制造业、生产性服务业和城市服务业高素质技术技能人才,是 " 国家示范性高等职业院校建设计划 " 骨干高职院校、国家优质专科高等职业院校、上海一流专科高等职业教育建设立项单位 .
(PDF) "Three Education" Reform of Public English for Higher Vocational