山东大学与中铁隧道局集团签订战略合作框架协议; 山东大学举行2024年度中层领导班子汇报评议会议; 任友群、李术才与中宣部副部长、中央广播电视总台台长慎海雄会谈; 山东大学天文与空间科学学科建设二十年研讨会暨天文学系成立仪式举行
Shandong University dedicated cultivating top-tier academics, striving produce original, iconic leading academic achievements. have culture collaboration drives passion innovative discoveries vital our health, world our intellectual lives. Read >
Shandong University, the direct jurisdiction the Ministry Education, a key comprehensive university a long history, variety disciplines, strong academic strength, distinctive characteristics, has great influence at home abroad. 2017, SDU chosen one the 36 Class universities the list .
Shandong University (山东大学; SDU) a public university Jinan, Shandong, China.It affiliated the Ministry Education China.The university part Project 211, Project 985, the Double First-Class Construction. oldest Shandong University's precursor institutions, Cheeloo University, founded American English mission agencies the late 19th .
Shandong University one the initiative universities modern Chinese higher education. medical school, established 1864, signified beginning modern Chinese higher education. main body, Shandong Imperial College (Shandong Da Xue Tang) established 1901, the national university China, the .
山东大学(Shandong University),简称"山大"(SDU),学校法定注册地址设在山东省济南市,由国务院教育行政部门主管,是一所教育部直属重点综合性大学,中央直管高校,位列国家"双一流""985工程""211工程"。学校入选2011计划、强基计划、111计划、卓越工程师教育培养计划、卓越医生教育 .
2024-2025 Indicator Rankings. Thirteen indicators used calculate Shandong University's Best Global Universities rank. is breakdown how institution ranked relative .
2025 Application Instructions International Students (Bachelor Programs) Shandong Universi. 2024-12-13 2025 Application Instructions International Students (Master Programs) Shandong University 2024-12-13
Shandong University (SDU) founded 1901 Shandong Imperial College (Shandong Da Xue Tang), the national university China the to established a chartered constitution. predecessor, medical school created 1864, signalled genesis modern Chinese higher education.
Introduction to Shandong University-Shandong University