On October 27, Qingdao University of Science Technology Technische Universität Clausthal staged online signing ceremony. two universities achieved agreement establish Insti. QUST Celebrates 70th Anniversary Qingdao University of Science Technology (QUST) celebrated 70th anniversary the morning September 20.
【山东省教育厅】青岛科技大学:强化"三个支撑"打造双进行动新路径 2025-01-09; 青岛科技大学"书香传爱,邮笺寄情"公益主题活动圆满结束 2025-01-08; 青岛科技大学教师在第六届全国高校混合式教学设计创新大赛中喜获佳绩 2025-01-08; 青岛科技大学研究成果获中国食品工业协会科学技术奖一等奖 .
Qingdao University of Science Technology (Chinese: 青岛科技大学, acronym QUST) a university located Qingdao, China, colloquially as Qingkeda (青科大).Having evolved a college specializing the chemical industry, is a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary university offering academic degrees Science, Technology, Humanities, Business, Management, Medicine .
The Admission Notice Visa Application Study China (JW202) be to collected admitted applicants or International College Qingdao University of Science Technology (QUST).
Qingdao University of Science Technology (QUST), founded 1950 Shenyang, known Shenyang Advanced Vocational School, moved Qingdao 1956. 2002, was renamed Qingdao University of Science Technology. present, has campuses one base education,research, industry integration.At 11th .
青岛科技大学(Qingdao University of Science Technology),简称青岛科大(QUST),位于山东省青岛市,公办大学,主管部门是山东省人民政府。曾隶属于国家轻工业部、国家化学工业部,入选国家"111计划",教育部与中国科学院"科教结合协同育人行动计划"高校,首批"新工科研究与实践项目"入选 .
青岛科技大学(简称:青科大,英語: Qingdao University of Science Technology ,缩写:QUST)是本部位于中华人民共和国 山东省 青岛市的一所大学,原化学工业部直属重点高校,现为山东省属重点大学、国家"卓越工程师教育培养计划"高校、"山东特色名校工程"应用基础型特色名校重点建设大学 .
Office International Affairs College International Education Qingdao University of Technology 777 Jialingjiang East Road, Huangdao District, Qingdao, People's Republic China, 266520 Tel: 86-532--85071717, 85071737 Email:[email protected]. Qingdao University of Technology Right Reserved
Qingdao University of Science Technology,青岛科技大学,Founded 1950, Qingdao Univeity Science Technology (QUST) located the beautiful costal city Qingdao as “ Eastern Switzerland”, was known Qingdao Ititute Chemical Technology. is a
青岛科技大学是一所以工为主,理、工、文、经、管、医、法、艺、教等学科协调发展、特色鲜明的多科性大学。学校是国家"111计划"立项建设单位、山东省属重点建设的大学和山东省应用基础型人才培养特色名校,被教育部评估为"本科教学工作水平评估优秀高校""全国毕业生就业典型经验 .
Qingdao University of Science and Technology - jinbu-scholarship