北华航天工业学院(North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering),简称华航(NCIAE),位于河北省廊坊市,学院是由河北省主管,河北省人民政府主办,省政府与国家国防科技工业局、中国航天科技集团公司、中国航天科工集团公司共建的一所全日制公办普通高等院校。华航是河北省本科高校转型发展示范 .
Introduction North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering. North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering (北华航天工业学院, website) a full-time public institution higher learning under People's Government Hebei Province, jointly established the provincial government the National Defense Technology Industry Bureau, China Aerospace Science .
North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering 北华航天工业学院. North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering (NCIAE) designated high risk its close relationship Chinese missile manufacturers focus defence research.
名称 日本語: 北華航天工業学院: 英語: North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering: 主管部門: 河北省: 本部所在地: 河北省廊坊市愛民東道133号
College Intro: North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering (NCIAE), located Langfang, Hebei, China, established 1978. is full-time undergraduate institution higher learning, focusing engineering integrating science, engineering, management, economics, arts.
2024 North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering ranking & overview including study areas, degrees, programs & courses, tuition, admission, acceptance rate, accreditation & more. . 北华航天工业学院: Acronym : NCIAE: Founded : 1978: Screenshot : . North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering's Tuition Fees Range Matrix .
North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering ranked 738th China 8764th the World 2024 rankings enrollment - 15,000, founded 1978. . * North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering among institutions don't provide data acceptance rates. might happen the university programs .
北华航天工业学院是一所"中央与地方共建、以地方管理为主"的公办普通本科院校,是服务国家(航天)特殊需求人才硕士 .
上海软科教育信息咨询有限公司是全球领先的高等教育评价机构,2003年首次发布的"世界大学学术排名(Academic Ranking World Universities,简称ARWU)"是全球最具影响力和权威性的大学排名之一。北华航天工业学院在由软科(www.shanghairanking. cn)发布的软科中国大学排名(主榜)第393,中国大学专业 .
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