National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine the oldest higher metallurgical educational institution Ukraine. was founded a factory department the Ekaternoslav Higher Mining School October 1899. 1912, department transformed the metallurgical faculty the Mining Institute, later the Dnipro Metallurgical Institute 1930.
Важливою подією у науковій та громадській діяльності Українського державного університету науки і технологій став Круглий стіл «Результати участі українських вчених у програмі «Горизонт Європа».
The National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine (NMetAU) one the oldest institutions higher education metallurgical engineering. was established October, 1899 a department Katerinoslavsky Higher Mining School. 1912, department transformed a metallurgical faculty Katerinoslavsky Mining Institute.
The National metallurgical academy of Ukraine (NMetAU) welcomes to of oldest institutions higher education metallurgical engineering. was established October, 1899 a department Katerinoslavsky Higher Mining School. NMetAU can expect well-structured student counseling service, tailor-made courses study .
Today national metallurgical Academy of Ukraine the integrated State higher educational institution the IV level accreditation the developed infrastructure. conducts educational activities all educational-qualifying levels higher education: junior specialist, bachelor, specialist master 16 branches, than .
Today national metallurgical Academy of Ukraine the integrated State higher educational institution the IV level accreditation the developed infrastructure. conducts educational activities all educational-qualifying levels higher education: junior specialist, bachelor, specialist master 16 branches, than .
Национальная система рейтинговой оценки деятельности высших учебных заведений. Технические университеты — 2012 — 8 место
The National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine (NMetAU) one the oldest institutions higher education metallurgical engineering. Presently, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine instructs 15,000 students, 175 post-graduate students 10 scientists, researches the academic degree a Doctor (studies Candidate degree).
The National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine the oldest higher metallurgical educational institution Ukraine. was founded a factory department the Ekaternoslav Higher Mining School October 1899. 1912, department transformed the metallurgical faculty the Mining Institute, later the Dnipro .
The National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine (NMetAU) one the oldest institutions higher education metallurgical engineering. was established October, 1899 a department .
Yuzhnoye Design Office and National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine