Miami University nationally ranked a top public university located Oxford, Ohio.
Learn Miami University's main campus Oxford, Ohio, legendary college town 60 restaurants, events, opportunities. Find how visit, apply, explore beautiful campus the nearby cities.
Miami University a liberal arts education; offers than 120 undergraduate degree programs over 70 graduate degree programs its schools colleges architecture, business, engineering, humanities the sciences. [10] is member the University System Ohio.
Learn to apply, pay, transfer Miami University of Ohio, public university a high graduation rate a strong support system. Explore majors, minors, programs, locations offered the Oxford Regional campuses.
Miami University—Oxford a public institution was founded 1809. has total undergraduate enrollment 16,478 (fall 2023), the campus size 2,100 acres.
Miami University, founded 1809 Oxford, Ohio, a national reputation a superior educational experience unparalleled professional preparation its students. Miami consistently ranked of top schools the nation U.S. News & World Report its strong commitment undergraduate teaching. Supported experiences lead student success, Miami University .
A comparison two schools similar names different locations, sizes, programs, costs. Learn the pros cons each school how choose one suits best.
Learn Miami University, public university of Ohio four campuses various academic programs. Find its location, history, leadership, academic divisions.
Learn students love call Miami home joining 30-45 minute walking tour campus a student guide. Register a Spring Fall 2021 tour explore self-guided options online.
Miami University offers Bachelor Science Nursing, is accredited the Commission Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), 655 Street, NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001, 202-887-6791.
Miami University Campus Photo Using HDR