The school founded Nurse Training Class Mackay Memorial Hospital 1913. Officially registered Mackay School Nursing 1970 upgraded Mackay Junior College of Nursing 1999. 2004, school upgrade Mackay Junior College of Medicine, Nursing and Management. Faculties . Department Nursing
馬偕醫護管理專科學校-三芝校區 - 三星營造
Guandu Campus Address: No. 92, Shengjing Road, Beitou District, Taipei City 11260 Tel: (02)28584180 Sanzhi Campus Address: No. 42, Section 3, Zhongzheng Road, Sanzhi District, Taipei City 25245 Tel: (02)26366799
Department Nursing, MacKay Medical College Address:No.46,Sec. 3,Zhongzheng Rd. Taipei City Sanzhi Dist. 252, Taiwan TEL:(02)26360303 #1301 E-Mail:[email protected]
Provides MacKay Memorial Hospital Department Otolaryngology cadavers' middle inner ears clinical learning. students MacKay Junior College of Medicine, Nursing, and Management a cadaver as learn structure an actual human, strengthening foundation basic medical science.
Our students engage a number careers their future, including (1) clinical nursing jobs (such nurse, stoma nurses, organ transplant nurses, nurse practitioners, home care nurses, personal health management nurses, nurses informatics), (2) teaching research jobs (such ACLS instructors, clinical instructors, nursing .
MacKay Junior College of Medicine, Nursing and Management: 地址: 關渡校區: 臺北市 北投區聖景路92號 三芝校區: 新北市 三芝區中正路三段42號: 簡稱: 馬偕專校、馬偕護專、MKC: 类型: 私立專科學校: 宗教背景: 基督新教 長老教會: 隶属: 台灣基督宗教大學校院聯盟: 所屬法人 .
MacKay Junior College of Medicine, Nursing, and Management. Guandu Campus Address: No. 92, Shengjing Road, Beitou District, Taipei City 11260 Tel: (02)28584180
本校依據五專多元入學精神,辦理五專優先免試入學、北區聯合免試入學及東部地區五專護理科獎助生甄選入學等方案。招生科別為護理科、幼兒保育部、餐飲管理科、應用外語科、化妝品應用與管理科、視光學科、生命關懷事業科及人工智慧暨醫療應用科(110學年設科),秉承「寧願燒盡,不願銹壞 .
Junior Colleges Mackay Junior College of Medicine, Nursing and Management No. 92, Shengjing Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei City 112021, Taiwan
JCU Mackay a world-class education healthcare professionals nursing and pharmacy, well being of university's clinical training sites the College of Medicine and Dentistry. the Bachelor Nursing Science the Bachelor Pharmacy (Honours) offered JCU Mackay campus locations.