23 July 1930 - Kharkiv Automobile and Highway Institute (KhADI) established; April 1993 - higher education establishment awarded IV level accreditation, it given new as Kharkiv State Automobile and Highway Technical University (KhSAHTU);
Kharkiv national automobile & highway university . Kharkiv national automobile & highway university. toggle menu. Call on tel:+38(050)889-2151. Email at admin@ khadi.kharkov. ua. . Competitive selection projects scientific papers scientific technical (experimental) developments young scientists .
Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, ХНАДУ офіційний сайт, новини, факультеті університету, інформація для студентів та абітуріентів
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University a state-owned higher educational establishment falling the responsibility Ministry Education Science Ukraine.Accreditation level - IV, highest Ukraine. . Kharkiv State Technical University awarded status National University. 2005: new educational .
History the University. Kharkiv Automobile and Highway Institute (KhAHI) founded the Decree the Central Executive Committee the USSR dated July 23, 1930 No. 237 "On restructuring universities, technical schools workers' schools". . laureate State Prize Ukraine, elected the rector Kharkiv National .
Kharkiv State Automobile and Highway Technical University Address: Yaroslava Mudrogo street 25 City: Kharkiv, Postal Code: 61002 Tel: 380 (380-57) 700-38-67 eMail: [email protected] www.khadi.kharkov.ua. Kharkiv State Automobile and Highway Technical University a high school IV level accreditation.
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University a public university located Kharkiv, second largest city Ukraine. university established July,1930 Kharkiv Automobile and Highway Institute. received university status 2001, was subsequently renamed Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University.
The University been training skilled engineers the field automobile transport road construction 1930. specialists been demand the time the Roman Empire. Today are required every country the world successfully develop economies will be crucial future generations.
The students Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University taught full time by correspondence may the externship at faculties automobile, road-construction, mechanical, business management, transportation systems, mechatronics, correspondence retraining.
Research profile. Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University published 1,369 scientific papers 2,769 citations received. research profile covers range fields, including Engineering, Physics, Environmental Science, Quantum Particle physics, Liberal Arts & Social Sciences, Chemistry, Computer Science, Materials Science, Business, Mechanical Engineering.
Kharkiv State Automobile Transport College - Kharkiv