行政法务系党总支举办纪念毛泽东同志诞辰131周年主题. 2024-12-28; 学校赴阜平县帮扶村开展主题党日活动. 2024-12-27
河北政法职业学院(Hebei professional college politics science law,河北政法管理干部学院)位于河北省石家庄市,是经教育部批准设立,河北省委直属的公办高校,是河北省重点建设的示范性高职院校、河北省优质专科高等职业院校建设立项单位、河北省深化创新创业教育改革示范高校。学院前身是 .
河北政法职业学院; Hebei Professional College Politics Science Law: 学校标识码: 4113012408: 学校类型: 公办: 校址 中华人民共和国 河北省 石家庄市 新华区 校本部:友谊北大街569号 北院:学府路77号 东院:学府路41号 总面积
In April 2001, was rebuilt the country 's legal vocational college—Hebei College Political Science Law, and held general higher vocational education. retained function "Hebei College Political Science Law Management Cadres" continued undertake adult college education, job training, .
Hebei Vocational College Political Science Law | 1,826 followers LinkedIn. 河北政法职业学院 a 高等教育 company based of China.
The dean concurrently served Comrade Xiufeng, chairman the Hebei Provincial People's Government. April 1954, was rebuilt the Hebei Provincial Political and Law Cadre School. November 1983, was rebuilt Hebei Political and Law Management Cadre College.
While retaining functions "Hebei College Political Science Law Management Cadres" continuing undertake task training political and legal police officers, began hold higher vocational education law. April 2004, Hebei Forestry School incorporated a whole.
学校名称:河北政法职业学院办学层次:高职专科办学类型:公办全日制普通高等学校河北政法职业学院(河北政法管理干部学院)为中共河北省委直属事业单位,是经教育部批准设立的公办全日制普通高校,与共和国同龄。学院位于石家庄市,现有三个校区,校本部位于友谊北大街569号,北院位于 .
河北政法职业学院(Hebei vocational college politics law,简称政法学院)是经教育部批准设立的公办全日制普通学校,是河北省重点建设的示范性高职院校、河北省深化创新创业教育改革示范高校,位于河北省石家庄市。现任党委书记李凤奇,院长冯军 。 校训为"良法善治,尚法高行" 。