The Civil Aviation Flight University of China (CAFUC; 中国民用航空飞行学院) the national civil flight training university of China, headquartered Guanghan, Sichuan, China. [1] is owned the Civil Aviation Administration China co-funded the Sichuan Provincial People's Government.
As oldest biggest pilot training school China, Civil Aviation Flight University of China regularly stably batches pilots the modification training first officer all domestic airlines China, keeps long-term cooperative partnership the overseas flight schools pilots' training.
中国民用航空飞行学院(Civil Aviation Flight University of China),简称为中国民航飞行学院(或中飞院)(CAFUC),是由国务院民用航空主管部门主管,国务院教育行政部门给予业务管理与指导的全日制普通高等学校 [1] [18]。是联合国重点推广的"多人制机组驾驶员执照课程(MPL)"试点单位 [1],入选 .
About CAFUC Civil Aviation Flight University of China (CAFUC) the full-time regular institution higher education civil aviation pilots, well technicians other civil aviation specialties high-quality applied professionals engineering, management arts required national economy, the direct jurisdiction .
中国民用航空飞行学院,简称 中国民航飞行学院 (或 中飞院)(CAFUC),是中国民用航空局直属,中国民用航空局与四川省人民政府共建高校、四川省高水平大学,入选联合国重点推广的"MPL"课程试点单位、四川省高等学校"双一流"建设贡嘎计划,是全球民航飞行员培养规模最大、能力最强 .
中國民用航空飛行學院,簡稱 中國民航飛行學院 (或 中飛院)(CAFUC),是中國民用航空局直屬,中國民用航空局與四川省人民政府共建高校、四川省高水平大學,入選聯合國重點推廣的「MPL」課程試點單位、四川省高等學校「雙一流」建設貢嘎計劃,是全球民航飛行員培養規模最大、能力最強 .
Civil Aviation University of China - 中国民航大学 . NewsNotice
The Civil Aviation Flight University of China (CAFUC; 中国民用航空飞行学院) the national civil flight training university of China, headquartered Guanghan, Sichuan, China. is owned the Civil Aviation Administration China co-funded the Sichuan Provincial People's Government.
Civil Aviation Flight University of China (hereinafter referred as CAFUC) founded 1956. a full-time university under Civil Aviation Administration China (CAAC), jointly built university CAAC Sichuan province, has the main university the cultivation high-quality professionals civil aviation of China, is as "cradle .
B-3591 Civil Aviation Flight University of China (CAFUC) Piper PA-44