重庆医药高等专科学校(Chongqing Medical and Pharmaceutical College)是一所经中华人民共和国教育部批准设立的全日制普通高等专科学校,2012年入选"卓越医生教育培养计划",2014年被确认为重庆市示范性高等职业院校;2016年8月,入选第二批国家现代学徒制试点单位。2019年起,学校与重庆科技学院联合 .
版权所有 :重庆医药高等专科学校 渝icp备11007800-1号 渝icp备11007800-2号 . 渝公网安备 50010602500345号. 联系方式:61969012(党政办)61969001(招生办) 地 址:重庆市沙坪坝区大学城中路82号
Introduction Chongqing Medical and Pharmaceutical College. Chongqing Medical and Pharmaceutical College (重庆医药高等专科学校, website) a public full-time general technical college established the approval the Ministry Education.It located the university town Shapingba District, famous cultural district Chongqing.
Chongqing Medical and Pharmaceutical College (CQMPC), founded 1948, one China's vocational college listed the Building Plan High-Level Vocational Schools Majors Chinese Characteristics. has first-class teaching teams,and majors high professional precision strong competitiveness.
重慶醫藥高等專科學校(Chongqing Medical and Pharmaceutical College)是一所經中華人民共和國教育部批准設立的全日制普通高等專科學校,2012年入選"卓越醫生教育培養計劃",2014年被確認為重慶市示範性高等職業院校;2016年8月,入選第二批國家現代學徒制試點單位。2019年起,學校與重慶科技學院聯合 .
The Chongqing Medical and Pharmaceutical College China's biggest university. offers academic programs, top research facilities, a lively campus life. started, Chongqing Medical and Pharmaceutical College quickly a top place higher learning the area. draws students all China other countries. guide cover
Chongqing Medical and Pharmaceutical College / 重庆医药高等专科学校 | Courses, Ranking Profile. post been prepared provide information Chongqing Medical and Pharmaceutical College / 重庆医药高等专科学校 details. to Chongqing Medical and Pharmaceutical College / 重庆医药高等专科学校 China, Asia. number 1159 University China .
重庆医药高等专科学校(Chongqing Medical and Pharmaceutical College,简称重庆医专),位于重庆市,是经教育部批准设立的公办全日制普通高等专科学校,是国家"双高"建设单位、首批全国职业院校健康服务类示范专业点、教育部"专科临床医学(3+2)卓越医生教育培养计划项目"试点学校。
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