中央美术学院是中华人民共和国教育部直属的唯一一所高等美术学校,于1950年4月由国立北平艺术专科学校与华北大学三部美术系合并成立,毛泽东为学院题名。北平艺术专科学校的历史可以上溯到1918年由著名教育家蔡元培先生积极倡导下成立的国立北京美术学校,这是中国历史上第一所国立美术 .
In November 1949, National Art School Beiping merged the department fine arts third campus North China University, was originally department fine arts Luxun Academy of Arts Yan'an founded 1938. Authorized the Central People's Government, National School Fine Arts founded.
中央美术学院是中华人民共和国教育部直属的唯一一所高等美术学校,于1950年4月由国立北平艺术专科学校与华北大学三部美术系合并成立,毛泽东为学院题名。北平艺术专科学校的历史可以上溯到1918年由著名教育家蔡元培先生积极倡导下成立的国立北京美术学校,这是中国历史上第一所国立美术 .
中央美术学院(Central Academy of Fine Arts),简称"中央美院""央美",位于北京市朝阳区花家地南街8号,是中华人民共和国教育部批准的具有高等学历教育招生资格的公办普通高等学校、教育部直属的唯一一所高等美术院校,双一流建设高校,入选国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目、中国政府奖 .
The Central Academy of Fine Arts CAFA an art academy the direct charge the Ministry Education China. Manila Bulletin calls school "China's prestigious renowned art academy." [2] is considered of most selective schools the country turns more 90% its applicants year.[3]
中央美术学院正门 中央美术学院北门和美术馆. 中央美术学院(英語: Central Academy of Fine Arts ,CAFA),简称中央美院、央美、中美院 [1] ,成立于1950年4月,由国立北平艺术专科学校与华北大学三部美术系合并而成。 是中华人民共和国教育部直属高等美术院校。 很多知名的艺术家画家都出自这里 .
In November 1949, National Art School Beiping merged the department fine arts third campus North China University, was originally department fine arts Luxun Academy of Arts Yan'an founded 1938. Authorized the Central People's Government, National School Fine Arts founded.
The Central Academy of Fine Arts, located Beijing, capital China, an academy culture, history art flourishing, enjoys best art resources the world. CAFA, a leading institution modern art education China, a rich land those wish learn experience engage creativities .
About China Central Academy of Fine Arts. the umbrella CAFA, are schools college,. are School Fine Art, School Chinese Painting, School Design, School Architecture, School Humanities, College City Design well School Continuing Education the Affiliated High School Fine Art.
This year marks 50th anniversary the establishment diplomatic relations the People's Republic China the Federative Republic Brazil. exhibition "Brazil, to Land" the Brazilian photography master Sebastião Salgado being held the Central Academy of Fine Arts Museum.
Central Academy Of Fine Arts Gallery | the Beijinger