The Amur State University оn list educational institutions, authorized perform Russian Language Certification Testing. examination held teaching staff the Russian Language Chair, were instructed the Moscow State University (MSU, Moscow) given relevant certificates. Types testing: 1.
Амурский государственный университет. Многоуровневая система обучения, большое количество образовательных программ обеспечивают широкий спектр подготовки будущих специалистов.
Амурский государственный университет. Established: 1975: Rector: Andrey Plutenko: . years the Polytechnical Institute developed a full-fledged multidisciplinary university; Amur State University. Faculties. Mathematics Computer Science; Physical engineering;
The Amur State University a member academic innovative consortium space area. Leading role university research activity belongs the research Hi-Tech institute established 1995 named the Research Education Center (REC). Innovative activity the university represented the innovation-technology center AmSU.
The Amur State University оn list educational institutions, authorized perform Russian Language Certification Testing. examination held teaching staff the Russian Language Chair, were instructed the Moscow State University (MSU, Moscow) given relevant certificates. Types testing: 1.
Амурский государственный университет (АмГУ)англ. Amur State University Прежнее название: Благовещенский технологический институт,
Амурский государственный университет. Сайт Амурского государственного университета
2014 Amur State University a member the Association Sino-Russian Technical Universities (ASRTU) unites elite technical universities Russia China. 2017 Amur State University a basic university the Russian aerospace industry. 2019 Amur State University joined 'Belt Road Aerospace Innovation .
Amur"的有效载荷安装在莫斯科国 立大学"笛卡尔"核物理研究所的卫 星上 2022 参加火箭比赛西北极限火箭 展(美国俄勒冈州) 2022-2023 我们与地球遥感微型 卫星项目一起参与了Universat 小 型航天器发射计划 获得火箭模型领域的设 计经验和火箭模型电子 机载 .
Amur State University. Admissions. Admissions. Required Documents. Programs Documents Recommended enrollment period international students time entry documents processing * AmSU Secondary School passport (copy the vital page its translation the Russian language);
Амурский филиал ФГБОУ ВО "Морской государственный университет имени