Why California Coast University? California Coast University been pioneer distance learning its founding 1973. CCU consistently met needs professional men women geographic, professional, personal time limitations them completing education a traditional brick mortar school.
With comprehensive undergraduate graduate online degrees certificate programs the areas business administration, organizational behavior, management, health care, marketing, psychology, criminal justice, education general studies, University offers following educational programs.
California Coast University (CCU) a private for-profit online university based Santa Ana, California. is accredited the Distance Education Accrediting Commission approved the State California.
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Mission California Coast University's mission to ofer quality, afordable, flexible, online undergraduate graduate educational programs are valuable personally professionally our students.
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The California Coast University Catalog detailed information the University the programs offer.
About California Coast University California Coast University founded 1973 meet needs professional men women all areas business, industry, education, individuals geographic, professional, personal time limitations them completing education. University's goal to ofer distance learning undergraduate graduate educational .
California Coast University a 4-year, private technical college. coed college located an urban setting. offers associate, bachelor's, master's, doctoral degrees.
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