Samara Temir yo'l Davlat universiteti, o'rta va yuqori mutaxassislarni nafaqat transport yo'nalish bo'yicha, balki iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari uchun ham tayorlab, Povoljyeda eng yirik universiteti deb hisoblanadi.
Samara State Transport University the largest university complex the Volga region, training specialists high middle management only transport, also other sectors economy. Teaching carried by highly qualified scientific academic staff, including senior scientists inventors. Modern laboratory equipment widely in the.
All dormitories Samara State Transport University completed all necessary amenities. Room shared 2-3 students (depending the dormitory). student a bed (with bedding), table, chair, shelf, dressing. e kitchen washroom shared students are living the floor.
Samara State Transport University the largest university complex the Volga region, training specialists high middle management only transport, also other sectors economy. Teaching carried by highly qualified scientific academic staff, including senior scientists inventors. Modern laboratory .
Location: Samara, Russia; Age students: 15+; Type: mixed; Language instruction: Russian. university founded March 5, 1973. functions powers the founder the university carried by Federal Agency Railway Transport: SamSUPS the largest transport university the Volga Federal District.
Samara State Transport University tuition fees. the official website the university, will find the relevant information tuition fees scholarships. addition the cost education, is to pay attention additional costs: accommodation, transportation, study materials, meals personal expenses.
Today, SamGUPS the university the Volga Federal District leading training highly qualified specialists the railway industry. consists 3 institutes (transport general engineering, transport equipment structures, economics management), 3 faculties (electrical engineering, additional, formations correspondence .
Founded 1973, previously as Samarskij Institut Inženerov Železnodorožnogo Transporta (Samara Institute Railway Engineers) acquired current in 2002 Uni24k ×
Samara State University of Transport the higher educational institution the Volga region, trains specialists railway transport. SSUT a strong orientation the job market; offers broad portfolio courses programs, meet needs our students their employers.
(3) Samara State University of Railway Transport / Самарский государственный университет путей сообщения | Courses, Ranking Profile. post been prepared provide information (3) Samara State University of Railway Transport / Самарский государственный университет путей сообщения .
Samara State University of Railway Engineering, SamSUPS (Samara, Russia)